Athol Masonic Buildings Ltd.

Athol Masonic Buildings Limited (By Guarantee)

Athol Masonic Buildings Ltd (By Guarantee). Trading as Severn Street Masonic Hall.
Registered Office: 60 Severn Street, Birmingham, B1 1QG.

Registered in England No. 321706.

Formed in 1936 the principal activities of the company is the management of the Masonic Hall, 60 Severn Street, Birmingham and the provision of a licensed premises.

The Board of Directors consists of eight (8) Directors including a company Secretary (all volunteers), plus a Chairman, who is the WM of Athol Lodge who meet six (6) times a year

Severn Street Masonic Association (SSMA)

Membership of Lodges/Orders who meet at Severn Street are deemed to be ipso facto members of the Severn Street Masonic Association in compliance with the Licensing Regulations.

Directors & Leadership Team

Nigel Bridges

Financial Director.

I became a director of the buildings in September 2011 as Financial Director having assisted with other financial matters since 2006.

I joined Freemasonry in May 1985 in Trowbridge in Wiltshire but moved back to the Midlands in 1988.

My role as a director is to prepare budgets and forecasts and control income and expenditure and ensure that the Company meets its financial obligations.

I served a commercial apprenticeship at the GEC in Coventry and qualified as an ACIMA. Following a few career moves, I became Financial Director of a medium-sized engineering company until I retired in 2009.

I have been married for approaching 53 years and have 2 sons and 5 grandchildren all of whom give us great pleasure. In addition to Freemasonry of which I am a member of 9 different orders, my other interests are gardening and watching sport. I am no longer fit enough to take active parts in Rugby Union and Cricket which I participated in for many years.

Les Leek

Managing Director & Public Relations.

Les became the Managing Director on 1st January 2023 on the retirement of Ian Grayson  and combines the post with that of Public Relations officer.   

Les is the Director for Marketing and Communications for Athol Masonic Buildings Ltd which involves all aspects of marketing the buildings for commercial use and communications with the media, English Heritage, other clients, and potential sponsors.

Les and has been a Freemason since 1983 when he joined Athol Lodge and has been Worshipful Master on two occasions in 1994 and 2014. He is also a founder member of an Australian Freemasons Lodge where he lived for a number of years and still retains his membership.

Following a 30-year law enforcement career retiring at senior command rank Les was appointed the Managing Director of a West Country hotel group where he remained until 1997 when he stood as a member of parliament for a West Midlands constituency.

Les later became a Security Consultant working all over the world including periods in the Middle East, Australia, and South America. During this time, he was also seconded to the Foreign and Commonwealth office undertaking assignments in a number of Eastern European countries investigating Electoral Fraud, Organised Crime, People Trafficking and Terrorism. He remains in the security world as the CEO of two international companies.

I enjoy working with my colleagues in Athol Masonic Buildings who bring a wide variety of special skills to the organisation, and we all have a passion for looking after our ancient buildings and heritage.

When relaxing he enjoys the beauty of the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas in Staffordshire, traveling, writing, and generally enjoying life.

Stephen Tipton

Director, Company Secretary and Financial Consultant

I joined the Board of Athol Masonic Buildings Ltd in January 1991 and, having spent the whole of my working life in accountancy and finance, have been responsible for the compilation and submission of all financial and related reports to HMRC and Companies House, together with ensuring that the organisation adheres to legislation in place relative to limited companies registered in England.

I was honoured to be invited to join Freemasonry in 1975 and became a member of Athol Lodge No. 74, and having progressed through the Lodge I took the role of Treasurer immediately after vacating the Master’s chair.

My masonic activities were greatly curtailed having made a permanent move to France in 2005, but with the never-ending advancement in technology, I was able to continue as Treasurer of my mother Lodge until 2020 at which time I thought it was time to pass on the office to another member of the Lodge. My mother lodge, Athol 74, purchased the Masonic Hall in Severn Street nearly one hundred years ago, therefore AMB Ltd remains very close to my heart.

Freemason Birmingham UK

John Bates

Building Group

John was a Senior Command Fire Officer with West Midlands Fire Service, and on his retirement he formed a company offering fire safety and consultation in all aspects of fire prevention, a role which takes him nationwide.

As a member of AMBL Building Group he brings vast experience in fire safety, fire prevention and building control.

John also takes a keen interest in the future and preservation of Athol Masonic Buildings and is working with Birmingham City Council in marketing the buildings to the general public.

John is a family man and enjoys relaxing with his wife in his caravan in Gloucestershire

Freemason Birmingham UK

Bobby Gill


Awaiting new personal profile.

Freemason Birmingham UK

Scott Miles


Awaiting new personal profile.

Freemason Birmingham UK

Richard Izon


Awaiting new personal profile.

Freemason Birmingham UK

Cedric Stiles


Awaiting new personal profile.

Freemason Birmingham UK

David Ore


Awaiting new personal profile.

Freemason Birmingham UK

Richard Freakley


Awaiting new personal profile.

Dennis Potter

Bar and Catering Director

Dennis has now retired as the IMIRP Rapid Prototyping Ltd Sales Director after more than 25 years.

He was initiated into Freemasonry in April 2002 and when not attending meetings for one of the eleven Masonic orders he is in, Dennis spends his time watching sport (Birmingham City season ticket holder and Warwickshire CCC member) and in particular is a keen horse racing fan, having owned or part-owned 14 horses since 1998.

He also spends many hours playing guitar and watching live rock music.

Brian Hill

Worshipful Master Athol Lodge.

A family man at heart, both Lesley and I have been together for over thirty years now and we have been blessed with two wonderful children. I am an IT consultant with a focus on the non-profit sector and I have recently setup a fledgling Salesforce consultancy based in Birmingham.

My approach to Freemasonry has come from a sense of enquiry and general interest. I am pleased to say that, as an advocate of life long learning and personal development, Freemasonry has helped me to develop on many levels. It has been a sincere pleasure to meet so many distinct yet like minded people on my Masonic journey so far and that has fostered a deep sense of mutual respect and comradery.

It is also important to mention that Freemasonry can offer an individual much welcomed moral support during the challenging times one faces in life, something for my part, I would hope to reciprocate.

In my opinion, Freemasonry can offer something for everyone, from whatever walk of life, something I consider to be a rare and precious thing in today’s world.